Clean out your closet! And find your style as you go...

Do you ever wonder WHY your wardrobe is so boring? 


Do you ever wonder WHY you end up hating everything you end up wearing? (Psst... I'm a mind reader)

Well, I wish I was a mind reader. I'm just very good at my job and know how to get you out of a wardrobe style rut. In this blog you will discover three easy ways to clean out your closet and find your style as you go. It's time we stop getting stuck and we start dressing with ease! 


#1 Start by separating your clothing 


You are going to seperate your clothes from the ones you love and the ones you don't. These loved pieces will form the foundation of your wardrobe. 

Sort your clothes into these piles: 

  • Clothes you love and want to wear all the time 
  • Clothes you like but don't love as much
  • Clothes you never wear

Then, start organising your clothes by category: 

  • Tops
  • Bottoms
  • Dresses 
  • Shoes
  • Accessories



#2 If it doesn't fit- GET RID OF IT! 

Be very honest with yourself and back yourself. Get rid of your outgrown wardrobe pieces! When you start to accept your body as it is right now, going clothes shopping becomes a breeze, and you'll feel more at ease rummaging through your closet in search of something that fits.

Because by now you should have sorted your favourite pile and removed anything that isn't serving you anymore. Trust me! This will allow you to free up space so you can complete your wardrobe with better options. (YAS QUEENNN)



#3 The 3 word mantra (My Fav)  

I want you to find three words that best describe the style or way of thinking you want to achieve. 

When you know this, you can decide if those pieces work for you or not... it must match at least one if our chosen words! 

Example words:

  • Feminine, Bright, Edgy
  • Cheerful, assured, laid-back
  • Trend-driven, relaxed, quirky
  • Fun, confidence, youthful
  • Romantic, sporty, structured 
  • Powerful, wise, elegant 
  • Put together, cool, CEO vibes! 

And so on. The best way to pick words is to match these to your personality and lifestyle. If you don't like your current personality or lifestyle you can change the words to a better future you! For example, if you are laid back but you want to feel more motivated... maybe choose "motivation" as a word. Once you have three words you can then look at each wardrobe piece and see if they match that word. So does that dress give you the motivation you need? Does that dress give you feminine energy? and does that dress give you a sport look?

See how this works? 

This is to help you stay true to your style and the life you want to live. Your wardrobe pieces need to be an extension of YOU and YOUR vibe. Because if you say "my clothes are boring..." well sis, what are you saying about you? 



There's no shame in removing clothing that you used to dress like because it no longer serves you.

If your wardrobe is crammed with clothes you never wear, it's time for a serious wardrobe cleanse. 

I hope this helps you start thinking about your wardrobe.

Whether you're ready to update, or if you're beginning from scratch and feeling overwhelmed, go through this list and simply check it off and see how you feel. The main message is to keep things as simple as possible in that neutral colour and try to limit yourself to one or two pieces per item so you're not clogging up your wardrobe. 

And if you're still feeling overwhelmed and want to learn how to mix and match your wardrobe pieces, I welcome you to check out my outfit edit membership :) Inside my membership you will learn how to style outfits using pieces from your own wardrobe so you don't have to ever think about what to wear again.


Click to learn more