Put it back on the rack, sis!


Let's start with a story - you're at the shops and you find the perfect outfit!

You go and try it on because it's the perfect colour, the perfect style, and it's even in your budget. Then when you try it on, something feels a little bit off, it just doesn't feel right.

It's so easy to get caught up in the moment. 

You find something that you think is meant for you, but then there's a little voice inside your head that's telling you that something is off and maybe it's not meant for you...

But that's okay!

Because I'm here to help you save your time and money when you go shopping and get that little nudge again.

I have three questions to help you find out if that item is actually meant for you or not. 


Question #1: How does it make you feel?


It might be a really cool trendy piece, but how does it actually make you feel?

Is it making you feel confident or not? Is it helping your best features shine or is it showing things that you don't really feel comfortable showing? 

If it doesn't make you feel confident and it doesn't make you feel comfortable, it is not worth your money. Doesn't matter how cheap it is, if it's on sale, if it's a trendy piece, if everyone's wearing it, it doesn't matter. You have to feel amazing and confident in it.

So when you're shopping, the first thing I want you to really ask yourself is, how does this piece of item make me feel? 


Question #2: Does this fit me well?


You probably hear this a lot.

But does it actually fit you? What do you think about the fit? What does that really mean?

"Fit" means that it sits nicely on you.

We don't want the outfit to be too oversized and too baggy where it's swimming on us, and we also don't want it to be too tight where it ends up being a little revealing and uncomfortable and you're trying to squeeze into those jeans because you were once a size 10... (I get it.)

What we're really looking for is fitting into an outfit as who we are today.

There's also room for tailoring. So it's okay if the piece is just slightly bigger. We want to go slightly bigger because you can't really tailor something that's smaller. So for slightly bigger, that's okay. We can get that tailored, but the point is to try on pieces and ask if this actually fits me.

Does it fit my silhouette?

Do I feel comfortable?

Those are the two questions you have to ask yourself. And don't force yourself into something that isn't working for you. Put it back on the rack, sis. 



Question #3: Why do you want it? 


Is it because of how it makes you feel or is it because everyone else is wearing it, so you have to have it? If it's the latter, then chances are it is not worth your money because trends come and go.

You really need to know your personal style. 

Does this make me feel amazing? Does this make me feel like me? Is this actually fitting me well? Do I look good in this? Do I not look good in it?

Just be honest with yourself and then ask yourself why!

Why do you even want it? Is it because it's on sale?

That's not really a good reason to buy something unless you really, really need it. This is how we save our wardrobes from having too many pieces and never finding something to wear. 

So the next time you're out shopping and you're looking at all these gorgeous new styles, stop for a minute and take some time to actually ask these questions to get yourself on the right track, and you want to make it fun as well.

Soooo put it back on the rack, sis.

And just be honest with yourself.

If you are not saying...

Hell yes, this is for me!

Woo! This fits me well!

Oh my God, it makes me feel amazing!

And yes, it's part of my personal style.

Then, put it back on the rack, sis.